Chloé Sale
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Chloé Handbags Accessories in Sale at Replica Luxury Bags
Egypt has much more to offer than just mummies and pyramids. When people think of the fashion label Chloé, they tend to think of Paris and French prêt-à-porter, but the founder of the label, Gaby Aghion, was born in Egypt. The label, which was brought to prominence by the young head designer Karl Lagerfeld, has existed since 1952. It didn’t take long before stars like Brigitte Bardot and Grace Kelly discovered the label and fell head over heels in love with its handbag-creations. The label is still hotly coveted by today’s celebrities, with it girls like Kirsten Dunst or Natalie Portman appearing in Chloé on the streets of the world’s fashion capitals.
Discover Chloé and many other exclusive designers like Céline Sale, Saint Laurent Sale, MCM Sale or Givenchy Sale.