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Bucket bags at Replica Luxury Bags

Boho and rock-chic in one. Bucket bags are many things – just not boring. We love bucket bags for every occasion!

Bucket bags: Beautifully boho

Just in time for the revival of the seventies, the bucket bag has started its triumphal march again. What used to be simple leather bags during the flower-power period, evolved into glamour pieces during the seventies. And Replica Luxury Bags wouldn’t be the ultimate bag-heaven, if we would not have those bucket bags in our repertoire. Saint Laurent – the label known for its rock-inspired yet feminine styles – has yet again designed the ultimate luxury items. The Anita bag would be the absolute jewel of the collection. She was named after Anita Pallenberg – model, free spirit, ex-wife of Keith Richards and style icon. No wonder this bucket bag has “Bohemian” written all over it. Raw leather, fringes, Indian-inspired metal applications and even feathers make this bag look unique. But Saint Laurent also pays homage to modern muses. The Emmanuelle bag is named after Emmanuelle Alt, the editor-in-chief of French Vogue. She impresses with simple yet casual style, which always comes with a pinch of Rock ’n’ Roll. That’s what makes these bucket bags true eye-catchers. This bucket bag is also available with studs and fringes.

Designer bucket bags for every occasion

Especially those decorated bucket bags are perfect evening bags. With a bag like that, it takes little more than an “lbd” and a leather jacket to complete the look. Replica Luxury Bags also has bucket bags for those who are more into subtle bags, like the ones from DKNY and Marc Jacobs which come in various colours. We especially love the bucket bags in taupe, grey or Bordeaux. These are chic and yet suitable for every occasion. At this point, almost every designer represents at least one bucket bag in its collection, just like Furla, Rebecca Minkoff and Moschino, there is no escaping this trend. If you’re looking for a bucket bag at Replica Luxury Bags, you really are spoiled for choice.